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PLC Notes, 4-2-19

Hey everyone we had a PLC today here are some important things that we talked about today.

*Troop guides are no longer allowed to sign of requirements. you can teach them but you can not sign the requirement. bring the scout to a scoutmaster to sign off.

*This months camp out is the cooking outing. remember to sign up if you are interested, it is a very difficult merit badge so it would be good to get it soon!

*We are thinking about doing a backpacking trip so if this would interest you talk about it with your scoutmasters and other scouts.

*We are also planning on doing a wilderness survival outing, but with a twist. it will be a shoe box outing and the summer picnic. we will do an outing but your stuff must all fit in a shoe box, and we will build our own shelters. then on Sunday parents and family will come for the summer picnic. This is still being planned but if you are interested please tell a scoutmaster.

*This years summer camp is Powhatan!

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